Articles featuring tag: exterior painting

6 Signs It’s Time for Exterior Painting

A wall with cracked and peeling paint indicates that it’s time for exterior painting.

Exterior painting isn’t just about the aesthetic benefits - a fresh coat of paint and stain protects your home from the harmful weather effects, extensive exposure to UV radiation and prevents mold growth as well as rotting. And while most homes only need to be repainted every few years, if you’re wondering whether it’s time to contact your local exterior painters, our list of 6 signs that show it’s time for exterior painting should help you make the decision.

When to consider repainting your home

With less than a month left until spring, it’s time to take a look ...

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Exterior Painting: 7 Tips to Help you Select the Right Colors for Exterior Painting

Two paint brushes stained with different color paint. The two inch brush on the left is stained with black paint, and the one inch brush is stained with red paint.

The exterior of your home makes the first impression, a statement and, when maintained correctly, can enhance curb appeal and even improve resale value. A creative color choice and a fresh coat of paint can help you make that great first impression and wow anyone who passes by. Besides, when your house doesn’t need any structural improvements, exterior painting is the most cost-efficient way to revamp its appearance. If you’re thinking about refreshing the exterior of your home, one of the most important things you need to know is how to choose the right colors - they can ...

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Get in the Know Before Painting Your Home

house interior and exterior painting tips

Thinking about taking on big home projects, like painting interior walls, can conjure up an overwhelming sense of panic; but don’t let that deter you from starting. In fact, turn that energy into creativity for a home design you love. To make this feasible, get organized by knowing; know how to prep for painting your home, know what décor ideas you have to choose from, and know your mediums.

Know How to Prepare for Painting Your Home

Chefs use the term “mise en place,” or, “everything in its place,” to explain their preparedness for cooking. This means that they have everything, ...

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Get Inspired With These Exterior Home Paint Ideas

exterior home paint ideas

Exterior home design ideas are one of the biggest elements of your house’s curb appeal. There are many color schemes that people are using more often to really bring some life into their outdoor space. The first step in planning for your dream exterior design is looking at popular color combinations and learning about how to decide which is best for you.

Advice for Picking the Perfect Hues

Before you dive into the paint chip samples and color cards, there are a few pieces of advice that can help to guide and simplify your decision:

  • If your home ...
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How Often Should You Repaint the Exterior of Your Home?

house painting tips

Getting the perfect look for your home isn’t always easy. After investing in a quality exterior paint, it’s hard to imagine repainting in just a few years. While a high-quality paint can last a long time, those wanting a lot of curb appeal are going to have to repaint every five years on average. Here are just a few reasons why you would need to repaint your exterior.

Home Design Trends Change

It’s no secret that the things that were popular a decade ago aren’t trending today. The same thing is true for exterior design. Paint colors and styles go out ...

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How to paint your home when you want to sell it

House Painting Services

If you are planning to put your home on the market, painting it is one of the most cost-efficient ways to make it more attractive for buyers. The importance of the first impression your house makes cannot be understated – a buyer may ask about the neighborhood, state of the appliances or house maintenance, but these can’t compare to the feeling a person gets when they enter your home. Knowing how to touch-up and decorate your home can help you make a quick sale at a price that you prefer.

Colors play a key role in attracting potential buyers

Picking the ...

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Increasing the Curb Appeal: Creative Paint Colors for your Front Door

Beautiful curb appeal of a house with white colored exterior walls, black iron fence, lamps, door knobs, and a yellow front door.

The door is one of the first things people see when they visit you, so why not customize the first impression they get before they even enter your home? By painting your front door a memorable color, you can charm your guests before they even see you - or make yourself and your family feel more at home.

The best way to find the color that will look great on your front door is to remember someone’s entrance that really stood out. Perhaps a bright turquoise door made you feel calm and cheerful about meeting the parents ...

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Increasing the Curb Appeal: Transform your Property into the “It-House” of your Neighbourhood

Beautiful curb appeal of a house with seashell colored exterior walls, white windows and trim around the black door and a black iron fence.

Remember that beautiful house that immediately captured your attention as you were driving by? There can be many reasons why you couldn’t help looking at it, and not all of them are easy to pinpoint. Sometimes it’s the nice blending of the coloring of the house. Sometimes it’s the creative, rich landscaping that adds to the architecture of the house. And other times it’s the clever details that grab the attention. All of these features is what we usually call the “curb appeal” and the good news is that there are simple, easy ways that can help you increase ...

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